Colin Seitz

Former US Marine shares learned principles and foundations of leadership.

Colin’s focus and passion center around people, leadership, and culture, something that took root almost 30 years ago, when as a young US Marine, Colin learned the principles and foundations of leadership. That experience influenced and guided the path that his professional life followed; while Colin has held many operational roles during his roughly 20 years in the corporate world his focus was always on service to others and the people side of organizations.

Colin thrives in an environment where he can bring a diverse group of people together for one common cause. Using inquiry and collaborative approach, Colin helps leaders focus on solving complex problems and formulating long-lasting solutions. As an ICF certified coach, Colin is goal and action oriented, having accumulated hundreds of hours helping c-suite, executives, senior leaders, and high potential employees achieve their personal and professional goals.

Outside of his professional pursuits, when Colin isn’t burning dinner, he enjoys reading, swimming, mountain biking, and generally being outdoors. A recent highlight includes a trip to northern British Columbia where he and his wife spent 4 days in and around Johnstone Strait, kayaking with orcas, humpback whales, and countless other animals and wildlife.

Colin earned a BA in Economics with a minor in Mathematics from Rutgers University, an MS in Organizational Development and Leadership from Saint Joseph’s University and is an International Coaching Federation certified ACC level coach.